Agustin Gomez Del Toro

A Little About Me

I am Agustin Gomez Del Toro, 27 years old, currently living in Paris.
A former elite athlete.
I have always had a deep passion for technology and computing.
I consider myself very curious and am always looking for new ways to do things.
I enjoy spending time with my family and practicing all kinds of sports.
I spend my time learning new things.
I like to exchange ideas and meet new people, convinced that everyone has something valuable to offer, be it experiences, knowledge, or simply reflections.

My Professional Side in Brief

I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Blockchain Engineering, while at the same time working at SEIDOR (opens in a new tab).
I work as a software developer. I love working on challenging projects.
I look for healthy work environments where the team shares a common goal and we all move in the same direction.

My Skills



Contact Me

GitHub @AgustinGomezDelToro (opens in a new tab)

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